Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sierra Vista Journalism Staff - End of Summer Message 2015

Dear "Sierra Vista Life" journalism staff,

I have recently been informed that because our yearbook team is not able to attend, we will NOT have our joint leadership training day this Friday, July 31, with the students of ASB, journalism, and staff. Mrs. Flaherty is hoping to reschedule for a date after the school year has begun.

In its place, I would like to invite you to come to my classroom (Room 301) for an informal work day this FRIDAY, JULY 31, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. It is totally optional, but if you are interested I would greatly appreciate the help to get my classroom ready for the upcoming school year. It will also be an opportunity to hang out with other journalism students as well.

We also have 8th grade and 7th grade Registration next Thursday and Friday, August 6 and 7. Besides being able to participate yourself, these days will be an outstanding opportunity to practice your photography and storytelling skills.

I will be at Sierra Vista both days for the entire time. I am asking that we all have a meeting together on THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. If you have another family obligation and will be out of town, then of course family comes first. However, if you're in town, I look forward to seeing you then. Important decisions will be made about the direction of this year's program, and we will be trying out our new streaming video announcement system!

What am I missing? What questions have gone unanswered? I'm now back in town and eager to answer whatever questions you may have.

All the best,
Mr. Ippolito

Ron Ippolito
Social Studies Teacher and Digital Communications Adviser
Sierra Vista Junior High School
Google for Education Qualified Teacher
twitter: @rippolito   voice/text: (661) 347-4990